How to re-use SQLAlchemy models across multiple tables
Posted: April 22 2021
When using SQLAlchemy declarative models you might find yourself wanting to re-use a model for multiple tables, this post will show you how to do it.
A new base model
A lot of tables share common columns, like an id
, last_updated
, etc...
To handle this we can declare a new base model that all others inherit from:
def snake_caser(text):
Converts camelCase/PascalCase to snake_case
return re.sub(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_', text).lower()
class CustomBase(db.Base):
This is our customised base table
It includes a table name generator that converts the ClassName to class_name
an ID primary key column and a basic repr() method
Any models that inherit from this will automatically get these things
__abstract__ = True
def __tablename__(cls):
return snake_caser(cls.__name__)
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
def __repr__(self):
return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} {}>'
The key part to this is __abstract__ = True
, this tells SQLAlchemy that this isn't a real table (this is documented here).
This base also includes an id
column, a basic repr
method and a __tablename__
declared attribute (more on this in a bit) that takes the class name and converts it to snake case.
The re-usable models
Now we can create our abstract base for our real tables:
class UserBase(CustomBase):
__abstract__ = True
label = ''
# Columns
name = Column(String(40))
email = Column(String(120))
# Relationship
def posts(cls):
return relationship(f'Post{cls.label}', backref=cls.__tablename__, lazy=True)
class PostBase(CustomBase):
__abstract__ = True
label = ''
# Columns
body = Column(Text(240))
private = Column(Boolean)
def user_id(cls):
return Column(Integer, ForeignKey(f'user_{snake_caser(cls.label)}.id'))
These are both similar to the original CustomBase
but have dynamic foreign keys and relationships based on the label
These are declared using the @declared_attr
decorator which let's us use methods as attributes, which let's us dynamically create the mappings (documented here).
Now we can declare our real models, inheriting from UserBase
and PostBase
and all they need is a label
# ProductA Models
class UserProductA(UserBase):
This extends the UserBase model so is a copy of that but with the table name user_product_a
We can overwrite or extend however we want but the only the we NEED is to define the label
The label should be cased the same as the class name
label = 'ProductA'
class PostProductA(PostBase):
label = 'ProductA'
It's as easy as that, if you add a label property to the child models everything will just work ™️.
will have a relationship with PostProductA
and PostProductA
will have a foreign key to user_product_a